Customized industrial painting plants and equipment
Painting lines and devices
Sasmetor is specialized in designing of versatile painting lines and devices for metal and wood processing industrial needs. We design and manufacture powder and wet painting lines and individual devices. We also supply painting cabins and chambers and other painting units. The basis for designing of our systems, devices and special solutions are always our customer’s premises and individual productions requirements.
We are the only official importer of Gema powder spraying equipment in Finland. We also have service for these painting equipment. Gema product range includes reliable, manual powder painting devices and suction walls. In Gema’s automatic systems is combined an excellent efficiency and a very high standard painting result.
Designing of painting lines and devices is based on work piece features, required capacity and fulfillment of desired quality. Other important factors are the use of space and total costs.
We measure all lines according to customer’s product size and required capacity.
Guarantee for the quality is our own designing and manufacturing in our own premises, precise quality control and Finnish raw materials. Finnish knowhow strongly comes out in control system designing, providing the customer an easy use of the system and aid is near, if necessary.